
Superb scenery presenting
the Buddha and the Buddhist Pure Land


Byodoin Temple Garden平等院庭園

[Historic and Scenic Beauty Site]

Byodoin Temple garden follows the Jodo Garden style flourished during the Heian period (8-12th century) which recreated the Buddhist Pure Land. Phoenix Hall (Hou-ou-do), Aji-ike Pond, the Uji River and the mountain backdrop create one perfect picture which Heian-period aristocrats aspired to try representing the Buddhist Pure Land. Since it is the oldest Jodo Garden completed in the Heian period, the garden is designated as a National Historic and Scenic Beauty Site.

  • 洲浜
  • 平等院型灯籠
  • 平橋・反橋

Temple MapModel Course (50 min.)Model Course (90 min.)