
Byodoin Temple Exhibition


Byodoin Temple has faithfully preserved a number of valuable cultural assets representing a wide range of Japanese cultural history dating from the Heian period (8-12th century) to the present day. Particularly noteworthy are the Hoo-do (Central Hall), a pair of Guilt Bronze Phoenix, the statue of a seated Amida Nyorai, 52 statues of wooden Unchu Kuyo Bosatsu (Buddhist Saints holding a mass in the clouds), all of which are designated as the National Treasures, as well as many Important Cultural Properties including the Kannon-do (Buddhist Temple) and wooden standing statue of the 11-Face Kannon. This exhibition features an array of valuable cultural properties, both designated and non-designated, preserved by Byodoin Temple during its long history. Such a wealth of properties represents true historical and cultural treasures not only for Byodoin Temple but also for the entire Uji region. Experience the charms and wonders of Uji that have been cherished and loved by people since ancient times.

  • Heian period, 11th century
    Jodoin, yodoin Temple

  • Heian period, 11th century
    Jodoin, Byodoin Temple

  • Muromachi period ~ Edo period
    Byodoin Temple

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